The Plan for Social Media

It’s easy to get lost with social media, even our best efforts at drumming up more followers won’t result in more business for the company...unless we enter with a plan.

The plan is simple- use social media to direct your audience back to the company website, a space you control, and acquire their email addresses once they get there. Here’s how to do it:

1. Choose who follows you

This is a paradigm shift for most people. Seek out the people who should be following you. Your follower list should be a grouping of qualified leads. 

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2. Capture their email addresses

Email is still the most effective way to sell to your audience. You can’t guarantee people will see your social posts, but you can guarantee your email will be delivered to their inbox. Use social media efforts like giveaways and micro-influencers to get your followers clicking out of social, and opting in at your website.

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3. Follow up

What’s a lead worth if you don’t nurture it? Once someone leaves an email address, make sure you drop them into a quality email nurturing campaign so they can better learn what you have to offer, and buy when they’re ready. 

Click below, schedule a time to chat with me, and start reaching your audience with your marketing message.


p.s. - If you’ve built a website with MOR Creative, all the functionality you need to knock this out is already built-in. Click here to schedule a call to get started.

To get customers listening to your brand, MOR Creative recommends five essential digital marketing activities, number four on our list is your company’s Social Media.


How to Get More People to Visit Your Website


"Here" Today and "Old" Tomorrow